Manner of sleeping in the forest. Rural retreat - the Cottage.


Identifiant (dcterms:identifier)
Auteur (dcterms:creator)
Johnson, J.
Légende (dcterms:title)
Manner of sleeping in the forest. Rural retreat - the Cottage.
Page (bibo:locator)
p. 324
Numéro (bibo:number)
Type (dcterms:type)
fr Dessin, estampe, peinture
Format (dcterms:format)
Conditions d'utilisation (dcterms:rights)
fr Domaine public
Provenance (dcterms:rightsHolder)
Bibliothèque Schœlcher
Plateforme source (dcterms:provenance)
Bibliothèque numérique Manioc

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Contenus avec " Contient : Manner of sleeping in the forest. Rural retreat - the Cottage. "
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Narrative of a five years' expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America from the year 1772 to 1777, elucidating the history of that country and describing its productions... with an account of the Indians of Guiana and negroes of Guinea... Tome 2 Texte