The Joint Expedition of F. H. Rowntree and Symington Grieve, along with S. H. Davies, William Grieve, J. C. Radcliffe, and C. S. Kitching, resting at the Bolan Brook on its way to make its first attempt to ascend Morne Diablotin


Identifiant (dcterms:identifier)
Légende (dcterms:title)
The Joint Expedition of F. H. Rowntree and Symington Grieve, along with S. H. Davies, William Grieve, J. C. Radcliffe, and C. S. Kitching, resting at the Bolan Brook on its way to make its first attempt to ascend Morne Diablotin
Page (bibo:locator)
p. 46
Numéro (bibo:number)
Description (dcterms:description)
Groupe de scientifiques et de photographes en expédition vers le Morne Diablotin
Mot-clé Lieu (dcterms:spatial)
fr Dominique
fr Morne Diablotins
Mot-clé Siècle (dcterms:temporal)
Type (dcterms:type)
fr Photographie
Format (dcterms:format)
Conditions d'utilisation (dcterms:rights)
fr Domaine public
Provenance (dcterms:rightsHolder)
Fondation Clément
Plateforme source (dcterms:provenance)
Bibliothèque numérique Manioc

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Contenus avec " Contient : The Joint Expedition of F. H. Rowntree and Symington Grieve, along with S. H. Davies, William Grieve, J. C. Radcliffe, and C. S. Kitching, resting at the Bolan Brook on its way to make its first attempt to ascend Morne Diablotin "
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