Chatoyer the chief of the black Charaibes in St-Vincent, with his five wives. Drawn from the life by Agostino Brunyas - 1773. From an original painting in the possession of Sir Wm Young Bart, F.R.S.


Identifiant (dcterms:identifier)
Auteur (dcterms:creator)
Brunias, Agostino (1730?-1796)
Légende (dcterms:title)
Chatoyer the chief of the black Charaibes in St-Vincent, with his five wives. Drawn from the life by Agostino Brunyas - 1773. From an original painting in the possession of Sir Wm Young Bart, F.R.S.
Page (bibo:locator)
p. 143
Numéro (bibo:number)
Description (dcterms:description)
Le chef des Garifunas avec ses cinq femmes.
Mot-clé Rameau (dcterms:subject)
fr Garifunas
Mot-clé Personne & collectivité (dcterms:subject)
Chatoyer, Joseph (175?-1795)
Mot-clé Lieu (dcterms:spatial)
fr Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines
Mot-clé Siècle (dcterms:temporal)
Type (dcterms:type)
fr Dessin, estampe, peinture
Format (dcterms:format)
Conditions d'utilisation (dcterms:rights)
fr Domaine public
Provenance (dcterms:rightsHolder)
Fondation Clément
Plateforme source (dcterms:provenance)
Bibliothèque numérique Manioc

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Contenus avec " Contient : Chatoyer the chief of the black Charaibes in St-Vincent, with his five wives. Drawn from the life by Agostino Brunyas - 1773. From an original painting in the possession of Sir Wm Young Bart, F.R.S. "
Titre Classe
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